Saturday, August 7, 2010

Break Up Advice - Moving On The Break Up Is Over

You know the relationship is over; you may even know that it’s for the best that it’s over, but moving on can still be a hard thing to accomplish. You feel as if your whole world has been turned upside down and that nothing is normal in your life anymore.
Your family and friends may present big hurdles as you prepare to move on. If your family was very fond of your ex and had planned on this being a permanent relationship, they may find it hard to accept that you are ready to move onYou may have to let them know you are tired of the questions and the constant reminders of the broken relationship. You may have to be firm in letting them know that the relationship is over and you are trying to move on with your life. Eventually they will come around; after all you are family and they love you.

If you and your ex had a lot of mutual friends that you hung out with as a couple, it may seem strange for you to be with them without your ex. There’s also the possibility that your ex will want to maintain those friendships also. You may even run into each other.
It may mean that you have to give up some of those friendships. Do try to keep in contact with those you’re closest to and allow your ex to do the same. Don’t force your friends to take sides. Cutting ties with some friends will be painful, but in the long run it will probably be easier on everyone.

When you’re moving on the breakup is over, this may be the time when you don’t need to be around mutual friends. The memories just may be too painful. If possible, take a vacation with a friend who isn’t involved in the situation. Being with someone who wasn’t also a friend of your ex will help you see things in a new way. Help in moving on

Monday, July 27, 2009

Winning Back Your Ex

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Often when there is a breakup in a relationship whether it’s a marriage or dating, people think it’s over but it’s possible to put it back together. If you are still in love with your ex and want to try again, don’t give up hope. You may be able to restore the relationship.

Before we go further, let’s look at the relationship realistically and determine if it is one that should be saved. You don’t want to revive one that should remain dead and risk what may be dire consequences. If your relationship involved any physical or emotional abuse then you need to accept this relationship does not need to be restored.
Rather you need to work on restoring any eroded self-esteem you may have and move on.
If, on the other hand, your relationship broke up over a misunderstanding or loss of trust, then the relationship has the possibility of a full recovery even if only one of you wants it. You just have to find the right course to take.
If you declare “I'm still in love with my ex!” that means you feel that you had a really strong relationship with your ex. Chances are good that your ex feels the same way about you.

If it has been several weeks since the breakup you should call your ex and see if you can arrange a meeting to talk. Don’t make it sound as though you are begging and pleading for this opportunity. Be as casual sounding as you can.
If your ex agrees to the meeting arrange for it to be somewhere neither of you will be tempted to create a scene or become overly emotional. If when you say “I'm still in love with my ex!” you really mean is, then you need to take some time to decide exactly what you are going to say to win them back.
Take some time to really think about why you want to get your ex back.
You don’t necessarily have to make notes, but be sure you have your reasons clear in your mind before your meeting. You know that you’re still in love but your ex may need more reasons than that to be willing to take you back.
When you meet with your ex talk about your dreams and aspirations and how you see him or her fitting into your future. However, don’t make the mistake of making your ex the “be all and end all’ of your dreams. You certainly don’t want to come across as desperate; you just want your ex to know how much you care and that you see a real place in your life with them. If your ex doesn’t agree to the reconciliation, you don’t want to have put yourself in the position that makes it seem your dreams are ruined.
Give your ex the opportunity to express their feelings and really listen to what they are saying. Hopefully your ex will feel the same way you do and reconciliation will be a reality. If this isn’t the case, then you will know for sure that the relationship is over. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing you did everything you could to restore the relationship. Now is the time to begin the healing process and be ready to move on with your life. Your true soul mate is out there somewhere. Click Here!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Can I Save My Marriage – It’s Up To You

Do you want to save your marriage
Do you want to save your marriage
Today so many people are in marriages that seem to be filled with nothing but misery and disappointment. Too often the rush is made to the lawyer and the couple is in divorce court before they realize what is happening.

If this is the situation you are in and it’s not where you want to be you have hope. Filing for divorce is often not the solution for a marriage that is in trouble. If you’re wondering, “can I save my marriage”, continue reading.

There are some cases that require both parties to be fully committed to saving the marriage and be willing to seek the services of a professional marriage counselor. This provides the couple with an impartial mediator to help them deal with their issues.Get answers here

There are a number of different things that can be done to save a marriage in addition to professional services. The process is not difficult and requires little more than both parties working together towards the common goal. The following four things you can take to heart and use to “save my marriage” and improve the odds of avoiding divorce court.

1. The idea of a perfect marriage is a myth. There will be problems, including the few that will be deal breakers in any marriage. People are not perfect and they bring their weaknesses and problems into the marriage. For the marriage to succeed, the couple must learn to deal with the imperfections of each other and remain committed to each other. We all make mistakes; be willing to work with your spouse to overcome the problems and you will see that it is possible to “save my marriage.”

2. Good communication is vital in any relationship, including marriage. Honesty in a marriage is a must. There can be no game playing. You can solve almost any problem if you keep the lines of communication open and maintain trust.

3. Accept compromise. Many people have turned compromise into an art and it serves them well. Finding the middle ground will enable you to settle conflicts that both parties find acceptable. Marriage is all about being willing to make compromises; each one knows that there are times when each will have to do the giving in order to “save my marriage.”

4. Be committed to your spouse. If your car breaks down, you don’t leave it on the side of the road. You stay with it until help arrives. You get rid of the car only when there is no hope in its being of further service to you. Saving your marriage require commitment much like what is required to save your car. A simple analogy, but you get the point.

Sometimes the damage done in a marriage is so severe that it “totals” it and no matter how hard you try you cannot change it. If any type of abuse is the issue it may be that it is too severe for any amount of counseling or other help to save the marriage. If this is not the issue then you have the possibility of working through the problems and saving the marriage. Saving your marriage is possible in most cases…it’s up to you. At one point, this relationship was the most important thing in your life and hopefully it will be again. Get answers here

Signs Of Break Up On The Way Stop Getting Dumped

Breaking up survival
Going through a love break up is very painful; I say it’s one of life’s more painful experiences. Sometimes after the relationship is over we can look back and think “why didn’t I see that coming.
The handwriting was on the wall.” The signs that the relationship was in trouble were there.
If you can remember these signs you will be able to help avoid a love break up in the future. These signs can also help you get back together after a split.
Lack of physical contact- A possible sign that a love break up is on the horizon is the lack of physical contact. If your girlfriend or boyfriend has stopped holding your hand for no apparent reason, or if he or she stops putting an arm over your shoulder at the movies or anywhere in public then this could signal a problem.
If the situation goes beyond not touching to the person being uncomfortable at your touch, then you need to have a conversation about what is going on. You can’t assume that your partner flinched at your touch that a love breakup is coming.
There are many things that may cause a person not to want to be touched at any given moment.
A person may be deep in thought and be startled or surprised by a touch or he or she may not feel well. Every change in behavior does not mean that there is an upcoming love break or even that anything is wrong in the relationship. Watch closely to determine if some behavior change is an occasional thing or if it’s a permanent part of the person’s make- up.

Lies-If you catch your boyfriend/girlfriend in lies, whether big ones or small ones that seem harmless, a problem may be coming. If the lie is a small one, you have to wonder why it was told to begin with. You’ve probably heard the saying: “O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” This is so true in any relationship particularly a romantic one. Honesty and trust are too important in a healthy relationship for lying to be a part of it. The exception is if a special surprise planned for you was the cause of the deceit.

If you think that the lack of physical contact and lying are signals of an upcoming breakup, talk about it with your partner immediately. Open communication is most important. If there is a problem that may be easily solved then you can avoid a love breakup. If it can’t be solved then at least you won’t be blindsided when the breakup happens. For more…

Friday, July 17, 2009

How To Stop Your Divorce

Stop the divorce
Divorce in our society is rampant and often is not what the couple really wants. It just seems when that ball starts rolling it’s hard to stop it. There are many reasons why divorce happens; one of the most common is broken trust. If you are on the road to divorce and want to stop it this article is for you.
If you and your spouse are considering divorce because you have been unfaithful and you are serious about wanting to know how to stop a divorce, begin by accepting responsibility for your behavior.

Don’t try to talk your spouse into believing that you can change, you have to make the change.
You’ve often heard the saying “actions speak louder than words.” In no situation is this truer than when you are trying to convince a loved one that you have changed. If what caused the potential divorce is a matter of trust you must not do it again- period. Don’t do anything that would make your spouse question whether or not you are faithful. You will have to earn trust again; hopefully you have not caused so much hurt that your spouse will never trust you again.
Your efforts, not talk, to be faithful is what will offer assurance that you are changing. Don’t deny that you have betrayed and don’t try to justify it. If you don’t regain trust right away, don’t get mad and don’t argue about it. This process may take some time, but if you want to stop the divorce you will have to be patient.
If the one you love is the one who broke the trust and has been unfaithful, then you are the one who has to be willing to forgive if you want to stop the divorce. Try to understand what happened and what you can do to restore the relationship.
Let’s be honest and admit that some marriages can’t be saved. If, however, you feel that yours can be then get all the help you can to accomplish it. Family and friends may be able to help. If you need more, by all means find a counselor who can help you. Just know that you don’t have to go through this alone.
Regardless of the outcome if you want to stop the divorce you will be glad you made the effort. If this relationship does end if you have learned the importance of maintaining trust then your next relationship will be a better one. For more…

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Advice On Relationships

how to cope with a break up
Any type of loss from losing keys, to pets, to relationship breakups, to the death of a loved one causes some degree of pain. Granted, all losses aren't the same and losing the one you thought you would be in a relationship with for a long while is certainly one of the most devastating.

Break up pain can often cause you to wonder if you will ever feel emotionally well again.
Dealing with a loss, which breakup pain is, is never an easy or pleasant experience. If you view a breakup as a loss of someone who cared deeply for-and really, how else can it be viewed- then dealing with your grief is a necessity.

A number of years ago Elizabeth Kubler- Ross wrote a book, "On Death and Dying, and in it she identified five stages that a dying patient likely experiences upon learning of a terminal illness. Since that time psychologists have often felt that we also experience some, if not all, of those stages over a major loss.
These stages are:
•Denial- this isn't happening to me!
• Anger- why is this happening to me?
• Bargaining- I promise I'll be a better person if...
• Depression- I don't care anymore
• Acceptance- I'm ready for whatever comes

Sometimes just knowing that what we're experiencing is somewhat normal can help us deal with the pain. If you are in the early stages of dealing with a breakup, know that you can get through it and there are sources of help for you. Not everyone goes through all these stages; not going through each stage doesn't mean that your grief isn't real.

Often dealing with the pain experienced when there is a romantic breakup is so hard because it's so easy to feel as if you are the only one who has ever suffered this kind of pain. Dwelling on how terrible the loss of your ex is will not help you in the healing process. Rather, the quicker you can reach the acceptance stage the better.

It will be helpful for you to spend time with your friends. If you let friendships cool while you were in the relationship, now is a good time to reconnect. Often people dealing with a relationship loss retreat and don't allow friends to help. Almost everyone has had your experience at some time and though the pain leaves we still remember those times. Let your friends help you deal with your heartbreak.

When you are alone, don't focus only on how bad your life is. To promote healing, think about what is good in your life.
You will be able to recover from the broken relationship, get over the heartbreak and most likely meet someone who is the perfect match for you
challenges and transitions. Most people spend their lives searching for everlasting love, life purpose and fulfillment.
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Thursday, July 9, 2009

How To Get a Girlfriend Back

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You want to talk to your ex, but she apparently doesn’t want to talk to you. You call, or try to meet her, but that’s where it stops. You want to get your girlfriend back but she just doesn’t seem interested in you anymore, You probably wonder why she won’t at least return a phone call or agree to meet just for old times’ sake. You possibly are approaching the situation subjectively. If you were the one who initiated the breakup you may now have a great feeling of remorse.
If she initiated the breakup you might feel a lot of guilt for not treating her well enough that she wanted to stay with you. For whatever reason, you are not willing to leave your ex alone. You justify your attempts at reconciliation as being persistent and she keeps running away.
Before it’s too late for you to have a chance of getting your girlfriend back heed the following tips:
1. Use reverse psychology-Before we go further you have to understand this basic fact: women can be complicated and they sometimes don’t mean what they say. Now let’s look at this broken relationship from another angle. Your ex girlfriend may be going through somewhat of an emotional crisis. She may be trying to figure out what is best for her and all she sees you doing is hounding her. Sometimes the best way to handle an ex girlfriend who is refusing advances is simple: give her space.
This will probably be very hard to do but it often works. Why? Because if she can’t hear you explain your side, you will have her wondering what’s going on with you. Completely changing your approach will make her think about you in a different way. If used cleverly turning the tables on her will work.

2. Flirt with her but keep your distance- Keep the interaction open-ended. Let her know that it’s still her choice whether or not to go out with you again. Hopefully she will realize that you are still the flirt you were when you first met and will want to get back with you.
3-Don’t be needy- Women like self-confident-not cocky- men and your hounding her makes you look needy. Treat her like you would a girl who want to woo, and not as the ex that you are desperate to have back.

While you’re learning the different ways to get a girlfriend back, be careful that you don’t let her come back to you as “just a friend” unless that is what you want the relationship to be. If she no longer has a romantic interest in you then you will probably be better off moving on. For more help This might be helpful