Monday, July 27, 2009

Winning Back Your Ex

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Often when there is a breakup in a relationship whether it’s a marriage or dating, people think it’s over but it’s possible to put it back together. If you are still in love with your ex and want to try again, don’t give up hope. You may be able to restore the relationship.

Before we go further, let’s look at the relationship realistically and determine if it is one that should be saved. You don’t want to revive one that should remain dead and risk what may be dire consequences. If your relationship involved any physical or emotional abuse then you need to accept this relationship does not need to be restored.
Rather you need to work on restoring any eroded self-esteem you may have and move on.
If, on the other hand, your relationship broke up over a misunderstanding or loss of trust, then the relationship has the possibility of a full recovery even if only one of you wants it. You just have to find the right course to take.
If you declare “I'm still in love with my ex!” that means you feel that you had a really strong relationship with your ex. Chances are good that your ex feels the same way about you.

If it has been several weeks since the breakup you should call your ex and see if you can arrange a meeting to talk. Don’t make it sound as though you are begging and pleading for this opportunity. Be as casual sounding as you can.
If your ex agrees to the meeting arrange for it to be somewhere neither of you will be tempted to create a scene or become overly emotional. If when you say “I'm still in love with my ex!” you really mean is, then you need to take some time to decide exactly what you are going to say to win them back.
Take some time to really think about why you want to get your ex back.
You don’t necessarily have to make notes, but be sure you have your reasons clear in your mind before your meeting. You know that you’re still in love but your ex may need more reasons than that to be willing to take you back.
When you meet with your ex talk about your dreams and aspirations and how you see him or her fitting into your future. However, don’t make the mistake of making your ex the “be all and end all’ of your dreams. You certainly don’t want to come across as desperate; you just want your ex to know how much you care and that you see a real place in your life with them. If your ex doesn’t agree to the reconciliation, you don’t want to have put yourself in the position that makes it seem your dreams are ruined.
Give your ex the opportunity to express their feelings and really listen to what they are saying. Hopefully your ex will feel the same way you do and reconciliation will be a reality. If this isn’t the case, then you will know for sure that the relationship is over. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing you did everything you could to restore the relationship. Now is the time to begin the healing process and be ready to move on with your life. Your true soul mate is out there somewhere. Click Here!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Can I Save My Marriage – It’s Up To You

Do you want to save your marriage
Do you want to save your marriage
Today so many people are in marriages that seem to be filled with nothing but misery and disappointment. Too often the rush is made to the lawyer and the couple is in divorce court before they realize what is happening.

If this is the situation you are in and it’s not where you want to be you have hope. Filing for divorce is often not the solution for a marriage that is in trouble. If you’re wondering, “can I save my marriage”, continue reading.

There are some cases that require both parties to be fully committed to saving the marriage and be willing to seek the services of a professional marriage counselor. This provides the couple with an impartial mediator to help them deal with their issues.Get answers here

There are a number of different things that can be done to save a marriage in addition to professional services. The process is not difficult and requires little more than both parties working together towards the common goal. The following four things you can take to heart and use to “save my marriage” and improve the odds of avoiding divorce court.

1. The idea of a perfect marriage is a myth. There will be problems, including the few that will be deal breakers in any marriage. People are not perfect and they bring their weaknesses and problems into the marriage. For the marriage to succeed, the couple must learn to deal with the imperfections of each other and remain committed to each other. We all make mistakes; be willing to work with your spouse to overcome the problems and you will see that it is possible to “save my marriage.”

2. Good communication is vital in any relationship, including marriage. Honesty in a marriage is a must. There can be no game playing. You can solve almost any problem if you keep the lines of communication open and maintain trust.

3. Accept compromise. Many people have turned compromise into an art and it serves them well. Finding the middle ground will enable you to settle conflicts that both parties find acceptable. Marriage is all about being willing to make compromises; each one knows that there are times when each will have to do the giving in order to “save my marriage.”

4. Be committed to your spouse. If your car breaks down, you don’t leave it on the side of the road. You stay with it until help arrives. You get rid of the car only when there is no hope in its being of further service to you. Saving your marriage require commitment much like what is required to save your car. A simple analogy, but you get the point.

Sometimes the damage done in a marriage is so severe that it “totals” it and no matter how hard you try you cannot change it. If any type of abuse is the issue it may be that it is too severe for any amount of counseling or other help to save the marriage. If this is not the issue then you have the possibility of working through the problems and saving the marriage. Saving your marriage is possible in most cases…it’s up to you. At one point, this relationship was the most important thing in your life and hopefully it will be again. Get answers here

Signs Of Break Up On The Way Stop Getting Dumped

Breaking up survival
Going through a love break up is very painful; I say it’s one of life’s more painful experiences. Sometimes after the relationship is over we can look back and think “why didn’t I see that coming.
The handwriting was on the wall.” The signs that the relationship was in trouble were there.
If you can remember these signs you will be able to help avoid a love break up in the future. These signs can also help you get back together after a split.
Lack of physical contact- A possible sign that a love break up is on the horizon is the lack of physical contact. If your girlfriend or boyfriend has stopped holding your hand for no apparent reason, or if he or she stops putting an arm over your shoulder at the movies or anywhere in public then this could signal a problem.
If the situation goes beyond not touching to the person being uncomfortable at your touch, then you need to have a conversation about what is going on. You can’t assume that your partner flinched at your touch that a love breakup is coming.
There are many things that may cause a person not to want to be touched at any given moment.
A person may be deep in thought and be startled or surprised by a touch or he or she may not feel well. Every change in behavior does not mean that there is an upcoming love break or even that anything is wrong in the relationship. Watch closely to determine if some behavior change is an occasional thing or if it’s a permanent part of the person’s make- up.

Lies-If you catch your boyfriend/girlfriend in lies, whether big ones or small ones that seem harmless, a problem may be coming. If the lie is a small one, you have to wonder why it was told to begin with. You’ve probably heard the saying: “O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” This is so true in any relationship particularly a romantic one. Honesty and trust are too important in a healthy relationship for lying to be a part of it. The exception is if a special surprise planned for you was the cause of the deceit.

If you think that the lack of physical contact and lying are signals of an upcoming breakup, talk about it with your partner immediately. Open communication is most important. If there is a problem that may be easily solved then you can avoid a love breakup. If it can’t be solved then at least you won’t be blindsided when the breakup happens. For more…

Friday, July 17, 2009

How To Stop Your Divorce

Stop the divorce
Divorce in our society is rampant and often is not what the couple really wants. It just seems when that ball starts rolling it’s hard to stop it. There are many reasons why divorce happens; one of the most common is broken trust. If you are on the road to divorce and want to stop it this article is for you.
If you and your spouse are considering divorce because you have been unfaithful and you are serious about wanting to know how to stop a divorce, begin by accepting responsibility for your behavior.

Don’t try to talk your spouse into believing that you can change, you have to make the change.
You’ve often heard the saying “actions speak louder than words.” In no situation is this truer than when you are trying to convince a loved one that you have changed. If what caused the potential divorce is a matter of trust you must not do it again- period. Don’t do anything that would make your spouse question whether or not you are faithful. You will have to earn trust again; hopefully you have not caused so much hurt that your spouse will never trust you again.
Your efforts, not talk, to be faithful is what will offer assurance that you are changing. Don’t deny that you have betrayed and don’t try to justify it. If you don’t regain trust right away, don’t get mad and don’t argue about it. This process may take some time, but if you want to stop the divorce you will have to be patient.
If the one you love is the one who broke the trust and has been unfaithful, then you are the one who has to be willing to forgive if you want to stop the divorce. Try to understand what happened and what you can do to restore the relationship.
Let’s be honest and admit that some marriages can’t be saved. If, however, you feel that yours can be then get all the help you can to accomplish it. Family and friends may be able to help. If you need more, by all means find a counselor who can help you. Just know that you don’t have to go through this alone.
Regardless of the outcome if you want to stop the divorce you will be glad you made the effort. If this relationship does end if you have learned the importance of maintaining trust then your next relationship will be a better one. For more…

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Advice On Relationships

how to cope with a break up
Any type of loss from losing keys, to pets, to relationship breakups, to the death of a loved one causes some degree of pain. Granted, all losses aren't the same and losing the one you thought you would be in a relationship with for a long while is certainly one of the most devastating.

Break up pain can often cause you to wonder if you will ever feel emotionally well again.
Dealing with a loss, which breakup pain is, is never an easy or pleasant experience. If you view a breakup as a loss of someone who cared deeply for-and really, how else can it be viewed- then dealing with your grief is a necessity.

A number of years ago Elizabeth Kubler- Ross wrote a book, "On Death and Dying, and in it she identified five stages that a dying patient likely experiences upon learning of a terminal illness. Since that time psychologists have often felt that we also experience some, if not all, of those stages over a major loss.
These stages are:
•Denial- this isn't happening to me!
• Anger- why is this happening to me?
• Bargaining- I promise I'll be a better person if...
• Depression- I don't care anymore
• Acceptance- I'm ready for whatever comes

Sometimes just knowing that what we're experiencing is somewhat normal can help us deal with the pain. If you are in the early stages of dealing with a breakup, know that you can get through it and there are sources of help for you. Not everyone goes through all these stages; not going through each stage doesn't mean that your grief isn't real.

Often dealing with the pain experienced when there is a romantic breakup is so hard because it's so easy to feel as if you are the only one who has ever suffered this kind of pain. Dwelling on how terrible the loss of your ex is will not help you in the healing process. Rather, the quicker you can reach the acceptance stage the better.

It will be helpful for you to spend time with your friends. If you let friendships cool while you were in the relationship, now is a good time to reconnect. Often people dealing with a relationship loss retreat and don't allow friends to help. Almost everyone has had your experience at some time and though the pain leaves we still remember those times. Let your friends help you deal with your heartbreak.

When you are alone, don't focus only on how bad your life is. To promote healing, think about what is good in your life.
You will be able to recover from the broken relationship, get over the heartbreak and most likely meet someone who is the perfect match for you
challenges and transitions. Most people spend their lives searching for everlasting love, life purpose and fulfillment.
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Thursday, July 9, 2009

How To Get a Girlfriend Back

- This might be helpful
You want to talk to your ex, but she apparently doesn’t want to talk to you. You call, or try to meet her, but that’s where it stops. You want to get your girlfriend back but she just doesn’t seem interested in you anymore, You probably wonder why she won’t at least return a phone call or agree to meet just for old times’ sake. You possibly are approaching the situation subjectively. If you were the one who initiated the breakup you may now have a great feeling of remorse.
If she initiated the breakup you might feel a lot of guilt for not treating her well enough that she wanted to stay with you. For whatever reason, you are not willing to leave your ex alone. You justify your attempts at reconciliation as being persistent and she keeps running away.
Before it’s too late for you to have a chance of getting your girlfriend back heed the following tips:
1. Use reverse psychology-Before we go further you have to understand this basic fact: women can be complicated and they sometimes don’t mean what they say. Now let’s look at this broken relationship from another angle. Your ex girlfriend may be going through somewhat of an emotional crisis. She may be trying to figure out what is best for her and all she sees you doing is hounding her. Sometimes the best way to handle an ex girlfriend who is refusing advances is simple: give her space.
This will probably be very hard to do but it often works. Why? Because if she can’t hear you explain your side, you will have her wondering what’s going on with you. Completely changing your approach will make her think about you in a different way. If used cleverly turning the tables on her will work.

2. Flirt with her but keep your distance- Keep the interaction open-ended. Let her know that it’s still her choice whether or not to go out with you again. Hopefully she will realize that you are still the flirt you were when you first met and will want to get back with you.
3-Don’t be needy- Women like self-confident-not cocky- men and your hounding her makes you look needy. Treat her like you would a girl who want to woo, and not as the ex that you are desperate to have back.

While you’re learning the different ways to get a girlfriend back, be careful that you don’t let her come back to you as “just a friend” unless that is what you want the relationship to be. If she no longer has a romantic interest in you then you will probably be better off moving on. For more help This might be helpful

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How To Stop A Divorce - Building Trust

Divorce in our society is rampant and often is not what the couple really wants. It just seems when that ball starts rolling it’s hard to stop it. There are many reasons why divorce happens; one of the most common is broken trust.
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If you are on the road to divorce and want to stop it this article is for you.
If you and your spouse are considering divorce because you have been unfaithful and you are serious about wanting to know how to stop a divorce, begin by accepting responsibility for your behavior. Don’t deny what you did and don’t try to justify it. You have betrayed your spouse and they are rightfully upset.
Actions speak louder than words. Don’t try to talk your spouse into believing that you can change-show that you have changed. If they don’t trust you, don’t get mad and don’t argue about it. You will have to prove that you have changed.
If you have hurt your spouse by breaking trust in any way, don’t do it again. Don’t do anything that will give your spouse any reason to doubt your complete faithfulness. If you want to regain your spouse’s love and trust you have to prove that you are worthy of it. This will take time and hopefully you have not burned them so badly that trust can’t be restored.
It may be that the one you love has been unfaithful. You are hurting because the trust of the one you love has been broke. Try to think if the situation was reversed and determine if you would want your spouse to give you another chance. If you would want that chance perhaps you feel that your spouse deserves one too.
Try to understand why this happened. If you truly love the person and the love is returned it may very well be that in spite of the broken trust divorce can be stopped.
If you haven’t resolved the problem but still want to avoid divorce then you need to seek outside help.

You may have friends who have gone through similar situations you can be of help or you may need therapy from a professional counselor.

Love relationships are one of life’s greatest pleasures, but they can also cause a lot of stress when broken trust is involved. Know that you are not the first or the only person to be in this situation. If you want to know how to stop a divorce seek whatever help you need. Do you want to save your marriage

Save My Relationship 3 Positive Steps When Getting Back Together

Getting back together after a breakup is something people often want to do, but usually they have no idea where to start. They just know that they miss the other person and want to rekindle the relationship.

Sometimes they are just too afraid to make the first move; the thought of being rebuffed can be overpowering. This is not the time to let ego rule.

The absolutely worst thing you can do to initiate getting back together after a breakup is to call your ex and beg for their return. Never appear needy or desperate. Right up there with begging is locking yourself in your home and crying until you have no more tears. If you are serious about getting together after a breakup, I have help for you. Here are the three best steps you can pursue for getting back together after a breakup:

This Could Help

1-First, and probably most important, getting back together after a breakup demands that you accept what happened-there really was a breakup. Once you accept this fact then you can work on renewing the relationship. Getting back together after a breakup doesn’t mean picking up where the relationship ended; it means starting over again. You cannot approach it as merely rekindling the old relationship. Something was wrong in that relationship or you would still be together.

2-Getting back together after a breakup does not start with calling your ex. You need to let some time pass to give things a chance to cool down, get control of your emotions, and think, as objectively as possible, about the cause(s) of the breakup. This process may take some time, but will be worth it in the long run. Work on improving the relationship in your mind. Do not call your ex until you are on an even keel emotionally and have a good idea of how your relationship with your ex can be better.

3-The old saying-it’s all in the timing- is certainly true in getting back together after a breakup. Right timing doesn’t just happen-you have to plan it. This planning involves the when and how.

By the time you have gone through these steps you will have a better idea about whether or not you are still in love with your ex. If you decide you are and want to get back with that person it is time to stop worrying about who was at fault. Everything has ended, so spending time being concerned about who was wrong id futile. Rather you need to have a positive attitude toward your ex as you focus on getting back together after a breakup. If you move slowly and remain positive getting your ex back may be easier than you ever imagines. This Could Help

Advice on Relationships - How to Keep a Woman Happy

Has there ever been a question asked by men more than how to keep a woman happy? Probably not! If you want the answer, here is some advice on relationships for men.

1-Always be yourself. Many men don’t feel that they are good enough to catch the most desirable woman, so they put on a show. This is almost always a disaster as women see right through it. Women like confident men. I’m sure you’ve noticed that some of the most physically unattractive men have some of the prettiest women. That’s because they display a level of self-confidence that women find more attractive than physical looks.

2-Remember to do the little things. Men often think in terms of “grand gestures” and yes there is a place for these, but it’s the little things that make long relationships. Things like offering to take her car in for service or picking up her favorite candy bar from time to time are greatly appreciated.

3-Never take her for granted. Let her know how special she is to you and how you value her.

4-Don’t look at other women when you are with her. Women automatically think that they are being compared to the woman the man is looking at. I know- women just don’t get the male idea “the day I stop looking is the day I die.” Women have the biological drive for monogamy. Women are looking for a lifetime partner with whom they can raise children. This is how they are wired. So minimize the ogling when she’s around. It will probably be in your favor to quit ogling period.

5- Make her laugh. Men often put good looks at the top of the list of things they need in a woman; women list a good sense of humor in a man. I recently talked with a woman in her early 30s who found herself back in the dating game after the breakup of a long term relationship. She said that as she’s meeting new guys if one doesn’t make her laugh right away she’s not interested in pursuing a relationship with him.


6- Develop an interest in something that has been a long time passion of hers. For example, if she enjoys classical music-and country is more your style- then go to the symphony with her. This lets her know that you do care about her and she will think you are very special.


7-Maintain good grooming habits. Once you get the girl of your dreams don’t let your appearance go. Shave on week-ends even of all you are doing is chores around the house. Keep up with the latest trends in fashion. Don’t get sloppy just because you landed her.

8-Become a part of her larger life. A woman wants a man who can get along with her family-especially her parents- and her girlfriends. A woman often relies on her social network to validate her relationship choices. Making the effort to get along with the people who are important to her will certainly make her happy.

9- Always be considerate if her feelings. When men are sensitive to women’s moods they don’t get on their bad sides.

10-Be open to trying new things. To keep a woman happy don’t let your relationship become so routine that you are in a rut. This will go a long way towards keeping your relationship healthy.

These tips on how to keep a woman happy should help you to have a long, satisfying relationship. For more Advice on Relationships

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saving A Relationship

It’s astounding how many people stay in broken relationships that are always in turmoil. Not only does this turmoil cause emotional stress it is not good for physical well-being either. If you are in such a relationship you will benefit from the healing yourself tips in this article.

Good relationships bring out the best in each of the parties. But in many cases the relationship is not providing this. It doesn’t matter if you are married or dating someone in a committed relationship your self esteem issues are directly tied to that relationship: it can either make you feel better or worse about yourself.

We strive to find the person to share our lives with who will make us feel like great people. Sadly, in too many cases that doesn’t happen.

Many reach the point where they try to determine if the reason for the difficulties in the relationship is because of problems between the two of them or if one or both of them have problems that originated early in life. This kind of analyzing can be exhausting. You can spend an untold amount of time trying to get to the bottom of the matter and you may never solve that question.

What you do know is that you have problems now.

Rather than fretting about what happened in the past, the best thing you can do is to try to repair the relationship you are in now. You can find help from marriage counselors and other relationship specialists to help you build a strong relationship.

If the relationship is strong enough there will be no more need to concentrate on healing yourself because your spouse or partner will help you overcome the challenges, just as you will be there for them.

One thing that will help in your relationship is to remove all criticism: don’t criticize your partner and don’t allow them to criticize you. Criticism makes one feel less powerful than the other; it is used to manipulate and is a form of abuse. A couple in a relationship should not be in a power struggle. Quit vying for power and the fights will disappear.

There are some additional things you can do to strengthen your relationship. If you have different beliefs, try talking about what each believes rather than accusing each other of being wrong or pointing out the weaknesses in their beliefs. Try to find common ground. No one is all right or all wrong.

Spend time discussing what each other’s role is in the relationship. Also find out what each person’s expectations are of the other. Let each other know what the other does that is hurtful, and what you need or want from the other. Not only will you be healing yourself, your partner will also be helped.
In any relationship there is always room for improvement and there are many things you can do to better the situation. Once you and your partner have worked to repair the relationship and have committed to stay together, you can work together to help each other be a better person. Healing yourself and healing the relationship go hand in hand. For more self healing tips…

Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend Back After You've Been A Jerk

Saving A Relationship
The idea of a jerk having a woman he wants to get back strikes me as humorous as I wonder how he got one in the first place. Oh well, my job is not to wonder but to help him get her back.
As harsh as this may sound, if you were a jerk you may not deserve to get her back. But the good news is, by the fact that you refer to yourself as a jerk, that you recognize that you may have had a problem and want to do something about it. You are on the right track now.
To get a woman back here’s what you need to do:

1. Change the way you see women. They are not property and if you view them as such you don’t deserve a chance. Women deserve respect and if you give it to the woman you lost you might have a chance winning het back.

2. Change the way you treat women. Be a gentleman and treat them as queens. Women will know if you are faking this so you must be subtle and try not to draw attention to yourself. If the woman you are trying to win back doesn’t pick up on any insincerity on your part her friends will and they will be very quick to tell her. At that point your credibility may be shot.

3. Learn humility. This will go a long way towards helping you get a woman back.

4. Let her know that you were a jerk. If she tells you that you were a jerk, agree with her. In your opinion she may exaggerate your bad behavior. If that happens, just agree with her. This is why help number three told you to learn humility. If your goal is to get a woman back the only opinion that matters is hers. You are trying to sell yourself. You remember the saying: the customer is always right. Well, she’s the customer in this situation.

5. Determine if she wants you to come begging of if she wants some space. Whatever she wants, give it to you. This will probably be a very difficult task to complete. You may have to talk with people who know her well to learn this.

6. Try to convince her friends that you have changed. This is a vital step. They know how she has been hurt by you and will be skeptical of your claims of change. They will put their friend first and do all they can to protect her. If you can win her friends over you have won a huge part of the battle. If you try to get the ex back first, you will probably have trouble convincing her and even if you do her friends may talk her out of it. Think about it: Do you want her close friends for or against you?

7. Don’t tell her that you have changed; show her. It’s easy to talk the talk, now you have to walk the walk.

8. Think about the long term; if you won’t be able to maintain the changes you have made then you are going to end up in the same place with less of a chance of success at getting a woman back. If you have been sincere in your efforts to change you probably have a good chance of having her take a second look at you and getting her back. Read more

Friday, July 3, 2009

Get Back Together With Your Ex

You have broken up with your ex girlfriend and are thinking you want to get back with her. There are many things to consider while you ponder what your next step should be. If the relationship had lasted only a short time you may not be feeling the extreme sense of loss that would usually come with being with someone for a longer period.

However, I have known of cases where the couple met and it was an instant connection and within a short time they felt as if they had known each other for ages. Every relationship is different and you have to decide if you and your ex should get back together.
Honesty is vital to all relationships and when you are wondering if you and your ex can get back together, it is necessary that you be completely honest with yourself. Were you really happy when you were together or were there issues that bothered you that kept arising over and over?

As humans, we often look on the past through rosy glasses and the picture is usually pleasant. As the song goes “what’s too painful to remember we simply choose to forget.” Be sure as you do your soul searching you remain as objective as possible and remember the bad times as well as the good.

Now the truth is that some relationships are not worth saving. I know that sounds harsh and is probably not what you want to hear. There are many scenarios that would fit here. For example: how much time did you spend doing fun things as opposed to fighting? Was there any abuse-physical, mental, or emotional- involved? Were there any mental health issues such as clinical depression, drug or alcohol addiction? If any of these scenarios were in the relationship it was probably an unhealthy one and you will probably be better off without that person.

If the above issues were not present and you would describe the relationship as a good one, the following ideas should help you and your ex get back together.
In the majority of cases you will not get an ex back by acting in any way desperate. You have to give him/her some time and space to think about what has happened. This includes no phone calls, stalking, emails, text messages. I know this is hard to follow, but you have probably already tries most, if not all of these tactics, and where have they gotten you?
To continue with the behaviors that make you appear desperate, if you do see or talk with your ex-because she called you-don’t spend time arguing or trying to plead your case. Begging and pleading, or as I like to say-groveling, is not the way to get an ex back.

If you were the one who was dumped, it is easy to spend untold hours playing the “what if” game. You know the drill; you probably have beaten up on yourself enough. If this is where you are now’s the time to quit that destructive behavior.

We all have things in our lives that if we could go back and do over we would. But life is like live reality TV, there are no retakes. What you need to do now is focus on the here and now. You will have better success at getting an ex back if you back off and let some time pass. She will likely be having a lot of the same thoughts as you. During this time your ex will also probably be missing you and remembering the good times. You will also be on the road to building a happier life for

Want Ex Boyfriend Back - Changing What Went Bad to Get My Ex Back

You are at loose ends in the relationship business. You had a guy you really liked and that relationship ended with a break up. Now you are trying to move on but are not being too successful in your efforts to find a new guy.
After a breakup it’s natural to move on to other people but the results are not always good. Here you are home after a date with yet another guy. Like so many others, it didn’t go well. You find yourself thinking more and more often, I want my ex back. You may be beginning to ask yourself if there are things you can do to rekindle an old relationship.
There are things you can do: keep reading for five strategies to follow when you want an ex back.
First, forget dating and flirting with other guys. Don’t invest your time and energy in other men. You are going to have to prepare your mind, body and soul for your ex for your old relationship to start working again.
Don’t chase your ex; keep your dignity. Don’t send frequent e-mails and text messages. Call him only if it’s something very important and never stalk him. You do not want to do anything that will make him not respect you. Take care of your personal appearance. Be sure that you always look well-groomed and put together.
Remember what it is that you appreciate about your ex. Make a list of these things and spend some time dwelling on them. Often a breakup ends with a lot of less than kind things being said by both parties. Now that some time has passed start to concentrate on his good points. This is a positive step to take when you want an ex back.
When you get back together do things differently than you did before. Meet new people, go new places and try new things. Start a hobby you can enjoy together. By changing the format of your relationship you will have a better chance of making it work. Be careful not to slip into the patterns of the old relationship. Just let it develop into a new healthier one.
If the relationship is a good one when you get your ex back, then plan together what you want for the long term. This gives you the opportunity to know that you are both moving in the same direction.
It’s possible to win an ex back with suggestions such as you have just read. For more ideas continue reading.

Breakup Advice – The Steps for Moving On

You are no longer in a relationship you thought was meant to last a long time. The loneliness and hopelessness you feel threaten to drown you. You may have even thrown a pity party or two, but if they were like most pity parties I’ve had you were the only one there.
Getting over a guy is difficult whether he dumped you or you were the one calling it quits. Letting go of someone you had a close relationship with is hard. There is an emptiness in your life that will not be quickly filled with anyone or anything else. Here are some steps to help get over a guy you still like.
First, you need to release the hurt. Your emotions are very raw at this point and you need to start healing. It’s okay to cry. Someone once told me she was afraid to let the tears start because she was afraid she would never stop crying. Then she had the idea of setting a timer, when the timer went off she dried her face. That’s a pretty good idea.
For some keeping a journal of their experiences is a big help. Sometimes when we put our thoughts and feelings on paper we are able to sort through them and become a little more objective about the situation.
At some point you have to accept that the relationship is over. If you continue to hold on to the hope that he will change his mind, if he was the one who called it off, or that he will change whatever made you call it off then you will never get over the guy and move on.
You need to perform some act that symbolizes the end of the relationship. Clear out anything that belongs to him. Box it up and mail it. Do not use this as an excuse to see him. Getting rid of his things will help you start healing.
Let your friends help you through this period. If you were too busy with your ex to spend much time with girlfriends, now is the time to reconnect. Until you meet your husband guys will come and go, but your girlfriends will be with you forever. Not only will your friends help you get over guy, they will also help you with your social life.
As you spend more time with your friends they will share similar breakup experiences. Hearing their stories will help you understand that however badly you are hurting others have hurt and survived. You too can survive the loss and become a stronger person
When you want to get over a guy, the best thing is to move on. You probably have some extra time on your hands so now is a good time to do some of those things you’ve wanted to do but didn’t have the time. Maybe you have an interest you have wanted to follow and taking a class would be in order. Every community offers a wide variety of opportunities for volunteers and volunteers are always needed. You can find plenty activities to fill up your time. As you reach out to others you will feel like a new person. Breakup Advice …

How To Win Your Ex Back - A Love Of A Lifetime

Win Back A Love Of A Lifetime
I love that British sit com “As Time Goes By.” If you’re not familiar with it here’s a brief summation: it’s a story of a couple who met and fell in love during a war, became separated, returned to their respective cities, married, had children, then accidentally met again later in life, and as they say…the rest is history..
You may have had a person that you felt was the true love of your life and for whatever reason you went separate ways. It may have been a recent relationship or one a number of years ago. When you think about the times that were so good with that person you feel it was a mistake that you parted. It is even possible that the one you lost has the same feelings.
If you are alone and would like to reconnect with that person, don’t just sit around and reminisce, do something about it. If you have no idea where they are, use the wide variety available resources to locate them.
Locating them will probably be the easy part. Once you know where they are it becomes a little tricky. First of all, to win back love you have to learn about their situation. The least threatening thing to do is write a letter to them. In it say that you were going through some old things and found something that reminded you of them. This lets them know you are curious about them and gives you the opportunity to ask questions about what is going on in their life.
Also this gives you the chance to let them know a little about your situation. Needless to say, you don’t let them know your real purpose. Just make it appear they your only interest is mild curiosity. If you learn that they are happily involved with someone else, you certainly don’t want to cause any problems. Once you’ve had contact you may realize that what seemed such a perfect relationship was just an illusion. Either way, it will still be good for you to know about them.
If they are available feel free to strike up a friendship. Keep things very light and casual at first; don’t force anything.
When you have been corresponding for a little while, if you don’t already have their phone number, give them yours and let them know they can call you anytime. This takes the pressure off the situation. If they want to talk they will call.
The relationship may move from friendship to a more intimate one in a short period. If you meet in person it won’t take you long to determine if they are still the one you love and if the feeling is mutual. Be patient, don’t rush into making a long term commitment until you have spent enough time to really know if the relationship has a good chance of survival. If all does work out and you do want to get back together, great! You have found that’s it’s possible to win back a love of a lifetime. If interested read on…

Be Confident and Win An Ex Back!

Losing someone you love through a breakup is one of life’s more devastating events. If you didn’t want the relationship to end it is especially hard to accept that it’s over. In many cases the loss of the loved one also causes the loss of self confidence. You want the relationship renewed and are trying to win an ex back.
Overcoming the pain and humiliation that came from the breakup can be very difficult. You may feel as if you are all alone and no one will ever fill that empty space in your heart. These are natural feelings but they will not help you be confident; you need to be confident to win an ex back. Whether you were strong before your breakup or not, you may be at your lowest point now. Wallowing in self-pity is tempting, but won’t accomplish anything.
If your self confidence was low that may have been why the breakup occurred. A lack of self confidence is a turn off and makes it hard to win an ex back because it is so emotionally draining on the other person. Most people have all the emotional stress they can deal with on a daily basis. The last thing they want is to escape all that and run into more of the same with someone they care about. Depressed and down feelings are contagious. Most people just can’t handle any more. They are looking for someone who is going to make them feel good not only about themselves but life in general.
If your ex sees you moping around and acting as if the sky is about to fall, he is not going to want to spend time with you. All you will be doing is reminding him of why the breakup occurred. He will do whatever he can do avoid you. Playing the sympathy card is a desperate ploy that will almost certainly fail. He will see you as a burden that he doesn’t want. This behavior will make it almost impossible to win an ex back.Life is hard and what everyone desires in a relationship is someone who will help make it a little easier. Everyone has challenges in daily life and having a special someone with a strong spirit is a great buffer to the harsh world. If your confidence level is low at this point, start doing things that will improve it. If you don’t win this ex back you will become a stronger person and be seen as a good match for someone else. Reaching the goal to win an ex back will be more possible if you become a more confident person.

Win Back your Ex Girlfriend - Be Aware!

We often think we know exactly what is going on and then BAM! the big blowup comes and we don’t have a clue what caused it. The clue you need to win back your ex girlfriend may simply to be aware of what’s going on.
If you really want to win back your ex girlfriend you are going to have to learn, if you don’t already know, what happened and what your role in the happening was. Admitting blame for what you did will be very important in understanding how to win back your ex girlfriend.
The worst thing you can do is to remain in the dark regarding what happened. If she isn’t interested in getting back with you, then you need to know what you did that hurt her and admit you were wrong. Sometimes women pick up on something that men in no way intend as hurtful and get very upset. Often men can tell that something is wrong and that’s it’s possibly their fault but they don’t do anything to try to correct the situation. Not doing anything about it will make them even madder than what you did initially.
If you want to get back with your ex girlfriend you have to learn what you did and deal with it. Once you know what you did you may be tempted to just sweep it under the rug and forget it. That’s not a good idea. She won’t let it go. She wants you to admit something happened and, I’m sorry to say, things won’t get better with her until you do. This is a necessary part of how to win back your ex girlfriend.
To win her back you must be ready to admit that you are to blame. This isn’t the time to point your finger at her and list any grievances you may have. Nor is it the time to rationalize your past behavior. It may not have been all your fault but if you want to know how to get back with your ex girlfriend you don’t have any wiggle room. She will probably accept some of the blame and if she does whatever you do don’t act as though she should share the blame. Just accept that whether it was really your fault or not, it is your fault.
What this all really comes down to is how badly you want her back. Are you willing to swallow your pride and really try to learn what happened? If yes, then are you ready to do whatever it takes to get her back? If you want to win back your ex girlfriend you have to do these things, but I think you’ll agree that it will be worth it to get her back. Being aware and picking up on her cues will save a lot of future heartache.

What Can I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Follow this strategy instead.

Are you feeling like everything you do pushes your ex away further? Is this describing your situation to a tee? Are you asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back" at every turn? Here are some tips that will greatly improve your chances of getting back together with your ex boyfriend.
Obviously right now you are serious about saving or rekindling your relationship, which is what led you to this article in the first place. But if you are feeling overly anxious to get your ex back, you may be behaving in the wrong way, causing your ex to pull away naturally. It is human nature in general to resist this kind of pressure. Struggling against human nature is completely pointless, and it will only make matters worse.
Are you calling your ex too much, constantly writing him e-mails or text messaging him? Are you trying to make him feel sorry for you? If you are doing these things, stop! If you are asking yourself " What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", then you need to stop doing these things right now.
So What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back? Follow this strategy instead.
You are going to need to take a completely fresh approach. Begin by breaking contact off for a while, doing your own thing. During this time where there is no communication between you and your ex boyfriend, you can focus on ways that you can improve your own personal life, rather than focusing on the relationship issues at hand. This is going to be a challenging time, and it is going to require discipline to prevent you from returning to your old ways.
During this time, your ex is going to experience a shift in how he feels about you, since you will no longer be pursuing him. You may become mysterious to him in some ways, because he is not sure what you are doing or feeling. This is actually something that can work in your favor. Now your ex is in a position to actually miss you, which is not possible when you are smothering him.
You must remember that the key to this strategy and repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it. If you are wondering " What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back", now you should have a fairly basic understanding on how common mistakes can be avoided. Once you implement this basic strategy you can restore a balance and allow your ex to remember why he loved you in the first place.
Just keep yourself grounded and avoid smothering him. Make yourself appear mysterious and he will be reminded why he loved you in the first place. Play hard to get (don't over do it) and let him make the first move, and you will come out on top. And then you will stop asking "What can I do to get my ex boyfriend back"

“I'm Sorry!” How To Get Back With Your Ex Girlfriend

“I’m sorry.” These are probably among the hardest words we ever have to utter. They are right up there with “I’m wrong.”
Since you’re reading this I’m assuming you have messed up in a relationship and are now trying to get back with your ex girlfriend. You probably don’t have much to work with right now, and you certainly don’t want to do anything to make things worse. If you aren’t used to apologizing and saying that you are sorry then this article will help you learn how to get back with your girlfriend,
To have any hope of getting back with your girlfriend you have to first apologize. This involves showing remorse, asking for forgiveness, ensuring her that it won’t happen again, and making it up to her.
To get back with your girlfriend you are going to have to convince her that you truly are sorry for what happened. This is not the time to play the tough guy role. Tears aren’t necessary, but humility is. You may try looking down as if you are too ashamed to look her in the eye. Don’t try to be cute, sincerity is what you are going for.
You have to ask for her forgiveness. Now I know this is hard because in doing this you have to admit that you were wrong. Here again you have to be sincere. More than likely she is doubting you and any lack of sincerity on your part will almost guarantee failure to win her back.
The next step is to convince that whatever happened will never happen again. You can’t use wiggle words like “I’ll try” or “I hope” when you are saying your behavior will not be repeated. No one is perfect and mistakes will be made but at least let her know that you don’t want that one repeated.
If she is willing to go out with you, do something very special. Go to a place you really enjoyed when you were together and try to talk about the good times you had. Buy her something nice. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive, just something you know she will appreciate. It’s true you can’t buy love, but you can buy a little time. Do anything you can to let her know that you really want to get back with her. The more you can convince her you are truly sorry for your actions, the better your chances at knowing how to get back with your girlfriend.

Ways To Win An Ex Back...NOT!

There’s and old song “Fifty Ways to Lose Your Lover” but unfortunately it doesn’t have a counterpart “Fifty Ways to Get Your Lover Back.”
As the song says there are many ways to lose your lover; losing one is easy to do. The ways to get one back seem fewer and often more difficult. Most of us want relationships to last a long time and the ultimate goal is for one that will last a lifetime. If you were in a relationship that you wanted to last and something happened to cause a breakup you probably are trying to find ways to win an ex back. It takes work and there is no certainty that you will succeed but having a positive attitude and remaining confident will surely help you reach your goal.
There are some things that can almost guarantee that you won’t win an ex back and are to be avoided. These include:
I know this seems like a good idea; you think if you don’t call that they won’t know how much you care. Face it-you’re broken up; there is no relationship at the moment. Constant calling lets them know that you aren’t letting go and for someone who does want to let go you are being really annoying. If you think you can pester them until they come back you are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment. The only result of constant calling will be then changing their phone number and using caller ID to screen their calls.
2. Going to places she is likely to be. Trying to see her all the time is a horrible way to win an ex back. No one wants to be stalked and such behavior may result in a restraining being filed against you. If you are broken up then it’s obvious she needs a break from you. Forcing yourself on her is only going to serve to drive her further away.

3. Setting up an online shrine. Now this is a really bad way to win an ex back. Your intentions may be good and you make think you will score points with her, but showing her and the rest of the net your devotion by putting together an online shrine is not the way to go. Your thinking may go something like this: “I will make a page devoted to her on social network sites; she and the world will see how desperately I feel and how much I want her back.” You may even think others will offer you sympathy. In reality, she is probably the only one who will be getting sympathy. People will realize how much harassing you are doing and will feel sorry for her.
I appreciate how desperate you must feel and how badly you want to find ways to win an ex back. But please be careful and think at least twice before making a move. As you saw above the ways to win an ex back that you may think are good will often only lead to disaster. This might help you think this through.

Break Up Advice My Girlfriend Broke Up With Me

Your girlfriend is breaking up with you and you don’t know why. As far as you’re concerned everything is great. You have spent a lot of time trying to figure it out and now you are seeking help. Hopefully, this article will start you on your way.
It doesn’t matter if you are very young or somewhat older, if it’s your first love or if you have been in previous relationships, having your girlfriend break up with you is one of life’s most painful events. If you are experiencing heartache from the pain of “my girlfriend is breaking up with me” you can find the answer to why this is happening in one three things: it’s you, it’s her, or it’s someone else. We’ll look at each of these.
It’s You
To be blunt, there may be something about you that just drives her nuts. You may not have a clue what it is that is making her want to leave you. But more than likely it is something you know about and don’t think it’s a big deal. Actually to you it may be kind of fun, but it really bothers her. If you know what you are doing that bothers her, stop it! If it is something she thinks you have a problem with, then give her the courtesy of getting it checked out. Whatever the issue, do your best to correct it.
It’s Her
She may be dealing with some issues that have nothing to do with you. These may be so overwhelming that she cannot focus on them and the relationship. If possible the best thing you can do is keep things as close to normal as you can. She may need some space, if so give it to her. Don’t try to pretend that there is nothing wrong, but try not to make an issue of it. There may be nothing you can do and you have to let her go. Maybe with some time and space she can sort through her issues and come back to you. If she doesn’t come back you have no choice but to accept her decision. This situation may be temporary so for a while you can still hope you can keep your girlfriend from breaking up with you. During this time continue to give her the space she wants.
It’s Someone Else
Unfortunately there are times when someone else comes into the picture. This is often what causes a girlfriend to break up. When this happens there is really nothing that you can do about it. You can’t force someone to change her mind. I’m not saying you have to like it, but please don’t make the situation worse by exhibiting bad behavior. If you are able to show restraint and act like a gentleman she may decide she has made a mistake in breaking up with you. If you were in what you thought was a steady relationship and she was cheating, truth is you will probably be better off without her.
There are variations on these three things that are reasons why girlfriends break up with guys, but the reason usually comes back to one of these. No one says it’s easy to go through a break up, but you will survive and be a stronger person in the end. What is important is that you have the right outlook. Some things you just can’t control and a girlfriend breaking up is often one of these things. For additional considerations for dealing with the situation read this.

Breakup Advice.

You are in quite a dilemma; you and your ex don’t agree on whether or not to get back together. If the relationship was a long one then the decision regarding reconciliation is probably even more difficult.
Some questions to consider when deciding whether or not to get back together include:
Why does your ex want to get back together?
Is getting back together going to help you get where you want to go?
Will getting back together make you a better and more secure person?
Are you willing to get back together for their sake?
You need to remember what the relationship was like most of the time. Was it peaceful or volatile? If the relationship was very explosive then you probably don’t need to get back together. But this is a decision you have to make for yourself.
For a couple everything is supposed to be for the mutual benefit. When the relationship ends though there is no more ‘you’ in the collective sense and you have to decide what is best for the solitary you. As hard as it may be to do don’t cave into your ex’s desire to get back together because of guilt. The only way the relationship will ever be a successful one is if the two of you will benefit from being together. If every time you are together it’s like a volcano exploding you may not want to reconnect. If the relationship was stress filled then not getting back together will probably be the right thing for both of you.
Pretending that everything is okay when your ex wants to get back together is the worst thing you can do. Your heart may be breaking for the pain the ex is experiencing. You also may be feeling some guilt for things happening the way they did and for your lack of desire to get back together. Those are all perfectly natural feelings, but don’t do something you will both regret. Going back into a relationship because you feel a sense of obligation-guilt-to do so will not be good for either of you. This is something you will not be able to explain to your ex. If you have reached this decision you will just have to stand firm and know in your mind you are doing the right thing for both of you.
After your soul searching, you should be on the road to knowing if the two of you are supposed to be together. If you still have doubts let that be your red flag. If you honestly believe the two of you are better together than apart, that’s great and you should get back together. Do so though, only if the feeling is mutual. If it’s not then the relationship is doomed to failure, regardless of how badly your ex wants to get back together.
Read This Great Guide To Help Sort Things out