Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Advice on Relationships - How to Keep a Woman Happy

Has there ever been a question asked by men more than how to keep a woman happy? Probably not! If you want the answer, here is some advice on relationships for men.

1-Always be yourself. Many men don’t feel that they are good enough to catch the most desirable woman, so they put on a show. This is almost always a disaster as women see right through it. Women like confident men. I’m sure you’ve noticed that some of the most physically unattractive men have some of the prettiest women. That’s because they display a level of self-confidence that women find more attractive than physical looks.

2-Remember to do the little things. Men often think in terms of “grand gestures” and yes there is a place for these, but it’s the little things that make long relationships. Things like offering to take her car in for service or picking up her favorite candy bar from time to time are greatly appreciated.

3-Never take her for granted. Let her know how special she is to you and how you value her.

4-Don’t look at other women when you are with her. Women automatically think that they are being compared to the woman the man is looking at. I know- women just don’t get the male idea “the day I stop looking is the day I die.” Women have the biological drive for monogamy. Women are looking for a lifetime partner with whom they can raise children. This is how they are wired. So minimize the ogling when she’s around. It will probably be in your favor to quit ogling period.

5- Make her laugh. Men often put good looks at the top of the list of things they need in a woman; women list a good sense of humor in a man. I recently talked with a woman in her early 30s who found herself back in the dating game after the breakup of a long term relationship. She said that as she’s meeting new guys if one doesn’t make her laugh right away she’s not interested in pursuing a relationship with him.


6- Develop an interest in something that has been a long time passion of hers. For example, if she enjoys classical music-and country is more your style- then go to the symphony with her. This lets her know that you do care about her and she will think you are very special.


7-Maintain good grooming habits. Once you get the girl of your dreams don’t let your appearance go. Shave on week-ends even of all you are doing is chores around the house. Keep up with the latest trends in fashion. Don’t get sloppy just because you landed her.

8-Become a part of her larger life. A woman wants a man who can get along with her family-especially her parents- and her girlfriends. A woman often relies on her social network to validate her relationship choices. Making the effort to get along with the people who are important to her will certainly make her happy.

9- Always be considerate if her feelings. When men are sensitive to women’s moods they don’t get on their bad sides.

10-Be open to trying new things. To keep a woman happy don’t let your relationship become so routine that you are in a rut. This will go a long way towards keeping your relationship healthy.

These tips on how to keep a woman happy should help you to have a long, satisfying relationship. For more Advice on Relationships

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